Month: September 2011
September 29th Catching Up
Whew. What a whirl wind of a few days. Monday and Tuesday were spent teaching and making preparations. Tuesday we taught an hour session at Chongwe high school on hiv/aids, prevention, and transmission. It was a hit with the class participating well. They were active and asked interesting questions. We threw in some fun energizers…
September 26 – Surprises
So, I’ll gloss over my birthday, since I spent the day curled in a ball in my hut recovering from a ‘food allergy’. Apparently people actually poision people they don’t like here, so any type of stomach upset due to bad food is referred to as gastro-intestinal upset or food allergy. Anyway, antibiotics, vomit inhibitors,…
September 19, 2011
Zambians can be pretty ridiculously funny. My bamaayo is wickedly strong. We’re talkin’ some serious guns … When I get a chance to post photos I’ll make sure there are some glamour shots for her. The men and women in the village are rock hard. Hard lives, hard work, fantastic physique. Thin hips, long frames…
September 9, 2011 Update
Today marks the second day of our “standfast”. It’s the night before elections and people across Zambia are excited. I’m forbidden from commenting on the elections, so without political connotations, I can say that Zambians get very excited and active when it comes to politics. In such a social and communal society tensions can spike,…
Catching up – General Updates – Wk 4-6
General update 1 wk 4. Alright guys, so I’ve had a couple questions about diet. Food security is a major issue and although food types are similar, food is seasonal and differs on availability based on location. Also nutrition education is highly limited. So here’s a general breakdown of what I’ve been eating. Staple food…
Chisunka and Second Site Visit
Wow. Where to begin. I talked a little about Second site visit and my host in my last post – Gen. Update September, but I wanted to give you some more details about the village and the area. I love it! It’s gorgeous now and it’s dry season when everything is burnt and dying… I…
Exploring – Gen. Update September
Hey all! I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve had a chance to write and I apologize for the delay. Internet access and availability is pretty rough and unfortunately cell service can be pretty frustrating. I’ve been asking my brother to post on my behalf through text messages posted to facebook, so I’m…