September 29th Catching Up

Whew. What a whirl wind of a few days. Monday and Tuesday were spent teaching and making preparations. Tuesday we taught an hour session at Chongwe high school on hiv/aids, prevention, and transmission. It was a hit with the class participating well. They were active and asked interesting questions. We threw in some fun energizers and games to demonstrate transmission.

After we finished it was back to the grind. We spent the afternoon preparing for Wednesday – putting together our technical final. I chose a quick ten minute run on sustainable development. Went well I think. Got a lot of great ideas from my fellow trainee’s presentations. We’re all teaching each other. With those two big stresses out of the way it’s time to settle in, study hard and rock my language proficiency interview tomorrow (Friday). Then next week we pack up, thank our families, swear in, and move to our villages! Community entry is coming! I can hardly wait 🙂

I’ve been finding small moments of peace throughout training. Watching the sun rise, enjoying the red night skies at sunset. Watching the seasons here change from winter to hot season. The hot wind blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves and creating a universal music that’s soothing anywhere you go. The trees may be different, the leaves a different shape, the horizon totally alien, the scent on the wind strange and exciting, but the wind makes the same music, anywhere you go. The leaves rustling against the hard living wood sings a soothing lullaby. Mother earth’s natural reminder that everything is connected. Ha. Obligitory Lion king quote – it’s the circle of life… 🙂






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