Month: April 2012

  • Three rough days

    Hey folks, Well…this is going to be raw, and parts gruesome, skip over if you must. I guess that is how it is supposed to be, and I am sure you will forgive me and work in a little slack. I am writing at the end of three days of horror, frustration, helplessness, anger, and…

  • Thank you Western Digital!

    Let me start with an introduction. My name is David N. Berger. I am 24 and an Arizona State University graduate in Global Studies. I serve as the Vice President of SRES – Southwest Research and Education Services, a not-for-profit organization that has been operating and providing services to families and those in need for…

  • The seasons are a-changing

    These times, they are a changin’. Guess that’s fair enough. The winds have come, strong powerful gales blowing dust, seeds, spores, and memories away on grand adventures. They bring riders – cool nights, dew-covered grass, and crisp morning air. A cold splash of icy water across your face where just last week the same had…

  • Malaria

    Morning folks – I’ve been writing a couple more introspective blogs lately so I thought I’d get back to the meat and bone of volunteer work – projects! I’m narrowing in on today’s project because of its importance and because I’m celebrating the completion of the first of six bi-annual observation visits & the enrollment…

  • Keeping on balance

    Aurelius: Book Seven – Entry 61 “Living is more like wrestling than dancing; you have to stay on guard; ready and unruffled, while blows are being rained down on you, sometimes from unexpected quarters.” No kidding! What an amazing sentiment – especially poignant for a PCV! We are more or less isolated, surrounded on all…

  • Project Updates February

    Recent project update: feb ‘ 12 Well! Here’s a quick technical update. Only three things. First, spirit stove. Using methylated spirits, two soda can bottom halves, zen focus, and a small nail I built a common peace corps utility – a stove that runs on methylated alcohol! Pretty exciting! It’s perfectly useful for heating my…