Mon and Tuesday Adventures Photos – up

Wow. Where to start? Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday Morning? WHOA. What a blast these last few days have been. Something seething, something writhing to the surface. Excitement, uncertainty, realization… amazing.

Lets start with Monday, the 9th sunny day in a row in rainy, foggy, Milano. I’d like to invite you to take a walk with me. First we’ll head out from the yellow metropolitan line through the Montenapoleone station. Take some pictures of the exit and off we go, down the main street and into the heart of one of the most expensive districts in Milano. The one place you can go to spend over 1000euro on a pair of jeans. Beautiful girls, beautiful shops, beautiful scenery.

Take a turn and jog down Viale Turrati. Pass the Consulate and take a walk to the local high school. Jog a right, now a left, and we’re back at the metro. Jump on the yellow line to Duomo, tag in at Duomo and switch to the red line M1. Take M1 to Cadorna and take a walk to the closest park. See the design museum and Savoy’s fabled castle… or rather its remnants. Not much survives the vicious war machines that tear through the ages, rubble and cats… ohh yeah… Cats. Back to the Duomo. Snap some random shots and away we go wandering down Viale Torino. Fashion for the girls – long blonde and no faces.

The next day

Tuesday was off to a great start. Rode up north to Verbania. Got some great photos including one of me and the boss! Hope you enjoy. It’s gorgeous and scenic. Michael gave me a book detailing the highlights of the province. We had a very interesting meal with the President of the province, mayor of Verbania comune, and the prefect. It was a blast to say the least. The little towns around the lake and the high Alps towering over are stunning. Did I mention cats yet? There seem to be quite a few popping up all over the place.

To view these photo’s please visit and visit my profile under David Nathaniel Berger –






4 responses to “Mon and Tuesday Adventures Photos – up”

  1. David Berger Avatar

    The quality of your writing and your descriptions make this the most enjoyable read. At 21 you are an accomplished and competent man. What joy you bring to others. Serving your Country as an intern in Italy is remarkable in itself. We may be entering a new age where those of you with high ethical standards, the will to serve others, and the commitment to doing the hard work it takes to prepare yourself is of more value than greed or selfish manipulation of weak systems.
    GO DAVID GO!!!

  2. David Berger Avatar

    hehe. Someone seems to have forgotten to log out of my blog before posting. Miei Genitori!

  3. Alex Berger Avatar

    The stray cats add a fun feeling to things don’t they? The way they lazily take charge of various sections of the city. Serving as tour guides, security guards and lazy denizens!

  4. David Berger Avatar

    Yeah they are pretty kick butt!

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