Month: September 2012
Before I left the states
Coming up on my birthday (just 4 days and it’ll be my second birthday in Zambia!!) I’m reminded of my last few weeks stateside before I left for this magnificent journey! Before I left the US I encouraged and pushed my mother to record and put together all of her original songs for me, so…
Modified delegation scheme:
Well here’s gonna be a darned blog, A bit of insight into the process of delegation and the frustrations of working with youth and partially-motivated volunteers – maybe. I’m gonna start with an excerpt from Marcus Aurelius’s journals written among the Quadi on the River Gran. “First thing every morning tell yourself: Today I am…
Emperor Aurelius: wisdom without end
For every moment of doubt or self reproach it seems Marcus Aurelius’s handbook has an answer. I take funerals in my community to heart – perhaps needlessly, but I feel every death is a failure on my part – needless waste of productive human life that could have changes our world. Entry 6 from his…
Knowledge Is Power
Before I get into more details about Livingstone and our week exploring southern Zambia and Botswana, I thought I’d revisit this great post! Knowledge is power, power is education, education is empowerment, empowerment is knowledge. Marcus Aurelius stood as a great philosopher king in his time. Today his memoirs offer us a glimpse of the…
From Kaingo to Livingstone, a brief summary
We packed up and with light hearts had our last breakfast at Kaingo. It had been a truly special, and spectacular experience. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful and stunning series of days, in terms of natural beauty and connecting with the “wild” Africa, in my service so far. What’s more is that…