Indigenous Navigator: A tool for empowering indigenous peoples and advancing their rights – even in times of COVID-19

We have just issued a new report, where I have had the opportunity to work together with an excellent team at the International Labour Organisation.

The report, available at examines how COVID-19 is affecting Indigenous Peoples in 11 countries covered by the Indigenous Navigator’s assessments.

The new report is based on data and stories collected by Indigenous communities themselves, and it reveals the challenges and opportunities they face during this on-going pandemic. The report shows that COVID-19 has a different impact on Indigenous communities, depending on their context and situation. Some of the core issues identified include lack of access to health care, social protection and education, as well as increased food insecurity due to loss of income and land rights.

However, the report also highlights how Indigenous communities are taking action to cope with the crisis, using their own knowledge, practices and values, and engaging in dialogue and partnership with other actors.

We offer some recommendations on how to support Indigenous Peoples’ rights and well-being during and after the pandemic. These include providing them with preventive measures and culturally appropriate health services, involving them in assessing their needs and risks, strengthening their participation in public institutions and decision-making processes, protecting their lands and natural resources, promoting their economic activities and livelihoods, and ensuring their labour rights.

The report is a result of the broader implementation of the Indigenous Navigator initiative. The Indigenous Navigator is a powerful tool for advancing the rights and development of Indigenous peoples. It demonstrates that Indigenous Peoples are not only victims of injustice and inequality, but also agents of change and solutions. By using the Indigenous Navigator, Indigenous Peoples can make their voices heard, claim their rights, and shape their future.






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