Milan 2009, February…3rd.
Ciao! Come stai? Va bene? Grazie e tu. Oggi io sono andato a lavoro. Ho fatto una passegiata alla fermata della metropolitana e ho entrato il metro a Porta Romana. Ho uscito a Viale Turatti. È un giorno miserable perchè la citta e coperta in nebbia. Fa freddo e io ho stanco.
After work I headed home, took a much needed nap and will make dinner shortly. It is just now seven so I’ve got some time ahead of me. Some city wide observations. As long as you try and speak Italian and preface the attempt with “Mi dispiace per mi italiano ma,” you should be safe. People react much better and are patient with you as long as you continue to try.
I was very tired today and work was rough in the afternoon. I was struggling to keep awake but got some work done. Mostly as I ride the metro I am reminded how many people don’t enjoy their day-to-day lives or are just pushing through. The amount of worn out, tired faces I see each day riding to work at 7:40 and home around 6:00 is sad. I’ve managed to keep a pretty big smile plastered across my face which, goofy as it might be, has returned some good results. Whenever people make direct eye contact with me I see a little baby smile grow from seeing mine. Always a plus.
Also I seem to catch a lot of models returning from a long days work at the Duomo around 6-7pm. A nice break in the scenery. I’ve found that the closer I get to the big universities the attractiveness of the girls magnifies exponentially. I very rarely see a girl with natural blonde hair, although green and brown eyes seem to be the most common. Raven’s and Brunettes rule this city. Tonight dancing starts at 10:30. Late, especially considering I will wake up at 7am. But worth it. I need some dancing. I need some movement, I need some exercise.
I’m almost going stir crazy being locked up in my office. As nice as the view is and although spacious it’s still too small. There is a gym at the consulate. I think I’ll start taking time to use it. Maybe it will help with the stress and get blood flowing when I can’t keep everything going full steam. Need to make dinner tonight…no one home…quiet… doesn’t seem right. Kim is studying pretty hard for a big exam on the 9th so I’m not sure of his schedule either. Our newest roommate Leo moved in last night (part of why I’m so tired) and has been cleaning the house all day. Mopped the tile, organized, fleshed out and even repaired some stuff here. Pretty neat.
Still struggling to read the newspapers but the content flow went together much more easily in my head today. Take another swing at it tonight and just keep it in my mind. I’ll continue to recognize more and faster. The meaning will become clearer without having to wait for a whole article translation to try and eek out the meaning. That will be nice.
Started writing my 1 week journal summaries for my Internship. Gotta take the papers in for my logs tomorrow and have Mr. Kidwell sit down and fill them out for me. Should be fine. Not much else for tonight, more tomorrow + an account of dancing!
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