Recent project update: feb ‘ 12
Well! Here’s a quick technical update. Only three things.
First, spirit stove. Using methylated spirits, two soda can bottom halves, zen focus, and a small nail I built a common peace corps utility – a stove that runs on methylated alcohol! Pretty exciting! It’s perfectly useful for heating my morning coffee, making oatmeal, or a variety of other neat uses – I used it to make a wax crucible and then sealed and patched big holes in my cement floor with wax for the short term.
Second – a technology developed in India – a little bit of chlorine, a touch of sunlight and a clear bottle poking through my thatch roof and taa dah! 60w daytime lightbulbs! Four installed and four more on their way.
Last, low level water harvesting and gutters. I got some aggression out beating aluminium corrugated sheets into gutters, there was a bit of snip snipping, a bit of my blood, a lot of cussing and the folded & joined “v” shaped gutters now neatly surround my hut. Awesome.
Other than that, just sitting and relaxing, cooking some corn from my field, nibbling some peanuts from my neighbour and contemplating my afternoon nap.
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