Tag: writing

  • Understanding Zambia: Reflections on history

    Understanding Zambia: Reflections on history

    As you know, I often reflect on my time in Zambia, and in the next series of posts I wanted to cover some of the history of Zambia, and to talk about it in context. From her earliest beginnings in prehistory, through the period of the Khosian occupation of the area through to the 4th…

  • Idle writing

    Somedays, you just write. It’s an honest sentiment. Sometimes days come along and inspire an internal turmoil and call to expression that drive you to madly tap out these wonderful little symbols and turn thoughts, emotions, and the intangible inner workings of our minds and hearts into words. Words clump together and link to form…

  • Pottage

    Gooooooood morning folks! This blog’s a little down and dirty, a bit personal, the topics awkward but funny, and well… You’ll see. You’ll forgive me infusing a bit of humor to save you from the butt of it. So it’s that time in the week when I lay in bed and write y’all another update.…