Month: October 2013

  • First night home

    It’s a beautiful, enchanting evening in our back yard. I’m home for the first time in two and a half years. It’s been an amazing journey, an adventure that I’ll never forget. Two years, millions of memories, and overwhelming series of moments etched in time. Here I sit, nestled into a big yard chair as…

  • Ringing Out – My last week as a PCV

    In my last post I talked a little bit about how I had arranged my packing during my last week, and how I had used it to reinforce my commitment to returning to Zambia. I also spoke a little bit about the sequence of events that occurred that week. I ended up with my heading…

  • Packing up – planning for the year ahead

    Training had come to a close, I’d begun the training program to become a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader, and I was busy readying myself internally for the next adventure. Sitting on the lower corner of my bed, I straightened and focused on my breathing. In the small, cluttered room of my lodge, I was surrounded…