PST – Brief update

Hey all,

Don’t have much time, pretty tight schedule. Wanted to post a quickly typed rushed update. Doing well, no health upsets, having a blast, loving zambian people, culture, food, and the care and compassion of the Peace Corps team here. I’m really enjoying it. I got my first letter yesterday postmarked the 21st of July but no others as of yet. Not terrible turn around for a letter, but I’m still near the capitol city. I’m without internet except a little FaceBook on my phone when I get reception.

I’m trying to figure out how I could update or mobile blog through my little nokia but its not a smartphone, and the network here is still developing. Maybe we can get it worked out, if not. It’ll probably be once a month when after I’ve been placed or when ma and pa get my letters and post them.

I’m learning bemba which aligns me with Luapula, Northern, or Central provinces here in Zambia. I’m gunning for Luapula but will be happy anywhere. Everywhere here is gorgeous, and in some respects so alien. It’s fantastic. I’m working with my hands, building, and testing my ingenuity, any life skills manual style stuff that people want to send would be amazing. It’s just fun – pioneering again hahaha. Where we serve there is no running water, no electricity, and few improvements, its literally mud hut, sand, a well and a pit latrine. I love it.

Can I say I’m enjoying myself anymore? haha, the bike ride is beautiful, the sunsets are beautiful, the sunrise’s are like nothing I’ve ever seen, the moon is magnificent, the horizons are alien but gorgeous. Training is going well but super busy. 8-5 mon-friday, half day with assignments saturdays, and sundays packed with cultural experiences. I havn’t had a chance to stop yet and its all rushing by. I’m keeping personal handwritten journals when I get a breath and making note of significant moments, so I’ll be able to put those back together and post when access becomes more regular and I get in the swing of service.

I’m loving Bemba and doing well in the language. Our first test is monday… I’m a little nervous but the staff are so supportive, welcoming and helpful that I know I’ll get it.

Miss everyone and the U.S. but I’m so happy here.


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