Tag: New

  • Flash Backs

    Flash Backs

    2011, November. I was sitting in my Hut, having worked on plastering and liming the burned brick walls. I’d just killed a five foot snake, who had just so happened to come and visit me in my living room. A reward was in order, and a local treat was just the right idea. Inswa (flying…

  • Art and Sculptures Abound

    Art and Sculptures Abound

    Discovering the Gyptotek, Copenhagen

  • Exploring – Gen. Update September

    Exploring – Gen. Update September

    Hey all! I know it’s been a few weeks since I’ve had a chance to write and I apologize for the delay. Internet access and availability is pretty rough and unfortunately cell service can be pretty frustrating. I’ve been asking my brother to post on my behalf through text messages posted to facebook, so I’m…