Category: Zambia
Peace Corps Volunteer Leader, Oct. 2013 – Oct 2014
My last post, was almost nine months overdue. Posted in August of 2014, it was referencing October of 2013, as I put together my belongings once again, and boarded a plane headed back to Zambia for my extension as a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader. That leaves quite a bit of time in between. Time that…
The Chibwantu Machine!
Trying my hand at an old Atlas manual grain mill. The maize kernels are taken, ground into a thick cut maize, an then that maize is used to make a local cooked maize/water drink known as Chibwantu. The grinders can also be adjusted to a finer cut, which can be used to make mealie meal…
Nkonga Field Day – Weeding for a better harvest
A slideshow of photos, followed by our field day in Nkonga, Mansa District, Luapula Province, Zambia – Musonda Kalumbu and Joyce Mutono officiating.
Describing life – Living in Chisunka
Describing PC Life in Chisunka, Zambia. Reflections from when I was 24. A short video from my service when I was 24, describing my catchment and post.
Ubulwele Bwa Mpepo
This is a short video that I recorded during my service, I had hoped to make a series of health talks in local language, and have them for use with a T.V. and USB capable DVD player for when the clinic had power access. The idea didn’t work out, but I still have many of…
Ringing Out – My last week as a PCV
In my last post I talked a little bit about how I had arranged my packing during my last week, and how I had used it to reinforce my commitment to returning to Zambia. I also spoke a little bit about the sequence of events that occurred that week. I ended up with my heading…
Packing up – planning for the year ahead
Training had come to a close, I’d begun the training program to become a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader, and I was busy readying myself internally for the next adventure. Sitting on the lower corner of my bed, I straightened and focused on my breathing. In the small, cluttered room of my lodge, I was surrounded…
Training, PCV Technical Trainer
I arrived back at the Chongwe training site on the 13th of July 2013. It was a quiet Friday, and I had my gear tucked into the back of a Peace Corps Landcruiser. I was ready for a little bit of an adventure, excited to meet the new trainees, and couldn’t wait to settle in…
CoS Conference: Saying Goodbye
It’s been a little while since I was able to write in an update, and a lot has happened in between, but let me start off today by jumping back to early July – July 8th through the 13th in fact. I left off having just arrived in Lusaka, lost in the shining mirrored glass…