Month: October 2011
The joys and hardships of working in health – man what a day!
I’m not sure how to start this off so I’ll just go with the images and feelings I’ve got right now. A little girl dressed up in the family’s only children’s dress, laying in bed, outside her family’s home. Eyes closed, the sun shining across her innocent black skin. A strong man, thin but tough,…
Back on track – Monday fun day!
Man oh man! It feels good to be back on track! So Monday it is huh? Well, today started brutally early, around four am with some unpleasantries. I’ve been fighting the good fight since Friday and here’s hoping today was the last of it. Ors- oral rehydration salts gulped down, I set into work. I…
Time and adventures
So I know I’m playing fast and loose with the chronological order of my blogging, and I’m sorry for that, but that’s the way of catching up right? So I left you admiring my slick new indoor bathing shelter. That puts us at Monday but Sunday was so important! For one I took a bunch…
Another late night…in bed by 8
Whew, I’m exhausted! Another late night for me. Makes me feel better to use standard time – twenty hours. What a killer weekend and Monday. Got a lot to blog about so let me warm up my blogging thumb with last week. Man did it rush by. Crazy busy… Ha. So, I’d gotten my soya…
Soya, protein and some bike ridin’
Grand adventure today. Twenty to thirty km bike ride in search of the elusive soya bean. There’s a big farm fifteen km away that grows them for animal feed. So I’m gonna try and get ten to fifteen kg for my own consumption and cooking demos after community entry (1st three months actually living in…
Ahhh, a weekend in repose continues….
I headed out on a grand adventure. I made my way to the school and struck off in a random direction. Today it was to the left at the fork. I rode and enjoyed the changing world around me, greens, reds, blacks, pink and purples…the colors of spring and new life. I rode around twenty…
Ahhhh…A weekend in repose
Whew! What a rush! I’ve got a lot to share from the last four days. My chemical burns are healing nicely and should be gone mid next week. I’m feeling good but still dropping weight. Tomorrow, the twenty fourth, is Zambian independence day, so Tuesday I’ll head to the clinic and take a peek at…
Keeping busy! October 19, 2011
Gonna try and eek out a post… With my left thumb. Whew! What a trip. Three days of hard work and a lot of waiting. So. Started liming on Sunday. Worked through the day and got two rooms and all my hallways done. Then I ran out of lime! So I spent Monday waiting on…
October 14. Day three.
Well, to expand on my last post – number nine wire and the ever important empty ‘mealie meal’ sacks. Just about any problem in your village life can be solved with these two items. No sponge? Use a chunk of sack. Need something off the ground? Held together? Reinforced? Number nine wire. Hut too dark?…
Provincial bastion and the joys of renovation
Whew! What a fist day! Let’s get synced up. Last two days I’ve been enjoying the quiet, American, luxurious, slice of heaven, affectionatly known as, drum roll please… The provincial house! Literally a fourteen bed, two bath, kitchen, library, yard, tv lounge area, and wifi. Closest to home I’ve felt since Philly. I had a…