Category: Zambia

  • HIV, Stigma, Fear, and a personal experience.

    In my last post I helped you all catch up with some of the more recent, and quite painful events. I focused in on a tragic example from this past week, and I mentioned a little about teaching methods, stigma regarding HIV, and fear. It’s important to note that my last post was focused in…

  • A tragic end to January –

    Good afternoon folks, I have been trying to decide how to write this post for a long while now, and I can honestly say that it has been a long time coming, but is unfortunately a dark and difficult topic at best. I think it is fair to start with recent events, which have been…

  • REPOST: Sundays free write: a precipice of kinetic decisions

    This is, as the title implies, Sunday’s free write. I have this interminable feeling of hunger and anxiety today. Yesterday marked the funeral of the third community member this week, and as the weather continues to shift into its rainy season pattern, malaria cases will rise, coupled with poorer nutrition due to hunger season. So…

  • The month of November

    It’s time for me to be writing again, Sorry all for the delay, it’s been a little while since I had a chance to sit down and type up what’s going on in my life… well type up is a bit of a misnomer, since it’s more like extended texting. Anyway, where did we leave…

  • Idle writing

    Somedays, you just write. It’s an honest sentiment. Sometimes days come along and inspire an internal turmoil and call to expression that drive you to madly tap out these wonderful little symbols and turn thoughts, emotions, and the intangible inner workings of our minds and hearts into words. Words clump together and link to form…

  • A Halloween to Remember

    Ladies and gentlemen, friends and admirers! This Halloween was a special day. That’s an excited introduction I know, but with good reason. On this, the 31st day of October 2012, I had the distinct pleasure and honor to welcome U.S. Ambassador to Zambia Mr. Mark C. Storella to my village. Better yet, I was privileged…

  • Before I left the states

    Coming up on my birthday (just 4 days and it’ll be my second birthday in Zambia!!) I’m reminded of my last few weeks stateside before I left for this magnificent journey! Before I left the US I encouraged and pushed my mother to record and put together all of her original songs for me, so…

  • Knowledge Is Power

    Before I get into more details about Livingstone and our week exploring southern Zambia and Botswana, I thought I’d revisit this great post! Knowledge is power, power is education, education is empowerment, empowerment is knowledge. Marcus Aurelius stood as a great philosopher king in his time. Today his memoirs offer us a glimpse of the…

  • From Kaingo to Livingstone, a brief summary

    We packed up and with light hearts had our last breakfast at Kaingo. It had been a truly special, and spectacular experience. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful and stunning series of days, in terms of natural beauty and connecting with the “wild” Africa, in my service so far. What’s more is that…

  • Hippo

    I hope I explained some of the background regarding our Safari at Kaingo in my last post, so I won’t re-hash too much of it. I’d rather spend this post talking about a specific three day incident that we encountered and then followed while staying at Kaingo. It’s a bit gruesome animal wise, so be…